
Lansweeper snmp alternatives
Lansweeper snmp alternatives

lansweeper snmp alternatives

LAN-10795 In installations with multiple scan servers, it is now possible to select a scan server from the Microsoft Cloud Service credential creation popup.LAN-9526 Improved the way password profile info is displayed on Microsoft 365 user pages.LAN-9889 Improved and expanded volume information scanned for Linux computers.LAN-9294 Improved and expanded the software information scanned for Linux computers, retrieving data from additional commands and directories.LAN-9295 Improved and expanded the processor information scanned for Linux computers.LAN-9293 Improved and expanded the operating system information scanned for Linux computers.LAN-11061 Improved and expanded the network information scanned for Linux computers.LAN-9840 If you relink a Lansweeper installation with Cloud whose old data is still present in Cloud, you now get a warning and option to delete the old data first.LAN-9816 Lansweeper now supports using the LDAPS protocol for scanning and otherwise connecting to on-premises Active Directory domains.LAN-8616 Lansweeper now scans users, user groups and user logon information of Linux computers, like it already did for Windows computers.LAN-8207 Lansweeper can now scan users from Azure Active Directory, using a new type of scanning target.LAN-9933 Lansweeper can now perform custom file and directory scanning for Linux computers.

lansweeper snmp alternatives lansweeper snmp alternatives

  • LAN-12485 An extended display scanning option is now available under Configuration\General to retrieve additional data for a wide variety of common monitor models.
  • In versie zijn de volgende veranderingen en verbeteringen aangebracht: Added:

    lansweeper snmp alternatives

    Lansweeper is beschikbaar als freeware voor kleine omgevingen en voor grotere omgevingen zal betaald moeten worden. Alle informatie is vervolgens via een webinterface te raadplegen. Dit programma werkt op een Windows-machine en is in staat om de aanwezige software en hardware te inventariseren in het netwerk zonder daarvoor op elke computer een clientprogramma te installeren. Om de apparaten in je netwerk in kaart te brengen, kun je gebruikmaken van Lansweeper.

    Lansweeper snmp alternatives